Friday, July 21, 2006

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

One of my most loyal readers (PiosAvsFan I’m talking about you!) asked that Mike Modano’s head be replaced by someone more attractive. So I pulled together a few rather comical looking renditions of that unfortunate picture…

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I like to call this Wade Modano. I have yet to extol on my great love for the Senator’s number one d-man on this blog, but I’m sure when the Avs play Ottawa October 19th, I will bore you all with tales of his daring deeds and rakishly good looks…

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As I know how PiosAvsFan feels about the one, the only, Marek Svatos, I made Mike Svatos or Marek Modano, whichever you prefer…

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Lastly, because he has such great hair, I thought Propecia Joe deserved a good looking body too, rather than that rail thin and non-muscular frame he calls a body…


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmm Svatos...*day dreamin*

lmao thanks!

Anonymous said...

I agree mmmmmmmm